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28 de junio de 2016

[TANABATA 2016] Let's make a wish! {english}


Every year I make a Tanabata for my blog, and this year we are going to do it for July 7th.

How  I do it?
Easy, you sent me you wish(es) and I write it in the paper stripes, later I hang them in a tree outside my house.
I take a photo of the three, and your wish and send them to you.
I don't share the wishes with anyone, becuase it's a secret betwwen you and the stars, I'm only the messenger ^^)/

If you want to join only follow this 3 steps:

1) Think of a wish (you can make 3 max.)
2) Put it on an email and sign it with your nickname and as a subject "Tanabata 2016"
3) Send it to the mail:

The dead line is on July 6th

On July 7th I'll send you the photos of the three and your wish.

If you want to invite more people you can do it!! ^^)/

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola :D como estas? bueno te tengo un pequeño premiecito :D ojala sea de tu agrado y muchos saludos ^^


Gracias por dejarme un pastelito de manzana (osea, tu comentario) ^^

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